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35 Movie Reviews w/ Response

All 72 Reviews

Thank you

Everything I will say in this review would have been said a hundred times already. (Nice graphics, great style, awesome sound etc...) But there is one thing that I noticed from you. Your ability to respond to all reviews. Never since the time I have been here in this website, (About two years knowing it existed, one year being a member.) Have I seen a person respond to all reviews like this. Yes, I have seen animators repond to all their reviews but their animations are not quite good as yours. You are the first artist, that has been known around for your award winning and overall great submissions, to respond to ALL the reviews. So I say thank you on the behalf of the reviewers and by myself, and I wish you many luck on your future submissions.

starkravenmadd responds:

Well I am just honestly floored. I really do try and get to each review. You guys take the time out of your busy scheduals to say a few things about my work and I feel you deserve at least be recognized for the deed!
I also must admit that there are a few lingering reviews on much older submissions that I have not had time to get to.
Thanks for the score and the kind words, and I hope that my future submissions willl generate the same kind responses!
To World Domination and global communications!

Sound Problems...

But other than that, great!

Graphics- (ishirm's Part) Well, I can't actually criticize the the windows that were appearing because obvioulsy, they were screenshots. Same goes for the wallpaper in the the background but the one thing I CAN criticize are the icons you drew. You drew those pretty well, so good job on that. And yeah, I know it's a Windows parody and there can't be any possible graphics you can draw but still, the icons were drawn nicely.

Graphics- (Little_Rena) The graphics were drawn poorly. I understand you were trying to do Frame by Frame animation and you did pretty good on that, but the graphics......ehh were kinda bad. Improvements: You could have added some kind of color, and have made the drawings look less roughly, if you know what I mean. Next time, try drawing the objects and characters more smoothly. But other than that, nice job on the Frame by Frame stuff.

Style- (ishirm's Part) GREAT style of putting everything together, especially the jokes and window appearances. Although the Window "paroding" might not be that orginal, you had some unique jokes going on in there. Nice job on style.

Style- (Little_Rena) Ehh....well there really wasn't much of a "style" going in here. The only thing I could judge portraying style will be the little story you had your part depend on. The story was practically dumb and looked like you thought of it like in 5 minutes. (No offense) Next time, try thinking more about what the little story is going to be about, let's say, about 10 to 15 minutes AT THE LEAST and trust me, it will be much better. work a little bit more on your concepts and plots.

Sound- (ishirm's Part) OK! Sound....It was having some difficulties. Let me explain. When the bunch of windows' appeared at once, you know the sound that occurs when some they come up, in first few, the sound lets say, sounded, but when the couple of last ones appeared, it stopped. What happened there? There was also another problem. When the mouse was going to close all of the windows that appeared, the "clicking" sound sounded before the mouse pointer went to the "X" on the window panel it was going to close on. So to say, the sound sounded right before ahead of it's time. Might want to fix that in the future.

Sound- (Little_Rena's Part) There wasn't any sound nevertheless in your piece. The only sound there was was the music. The music fitted the concept pretty good. Nice job on the selection of music.

Violence- (ishirm's Part) There wasn't any violence except for the explosion at the end.....which was of poor sound quality but nevertheless, it is considered to be violence. There can't technically be any "violence" in a Windows parody, so yeah....

Violence- (Little_Rena's Part) There wasn't any at all. But again, it's scarce to see a Windows parody with violence....so don't worry about this category.

Humor- (ishirm's Part) Ha, great humor in there. VERY NICE JOB on thinking those jokes and situations up. Keep up the good work. :)

Humor- (Little_Rena's Part) NOt meant to be harsh here, but your part wasn't funny....AT ALL. Little effort was added into this to in order for it to be funny. Next time, try thinking up of some more funny situations or jokes as ishirm did and you'll be better off in this category.

Overall- FINALLY! This review is almost done..........Anyway, many people seem to want "Windows Collab 2".......My opinion? GO FOR IT! You both have the skills to do so. Just make sure to at least follow a little bit on what I tried to stress here over this long review.........Nice Job to both of you, and good luck with your future submissions.

Little-Radiodemon responds:

Ummm, thanks.
But like I have said, I am still learning flash.


This was great!

Graphics- The graphics were superb. Especially the background of the loading screen. The characters were all well drawn and well detailed. You are one of those clock/lock's who really care about their submissions. I congratulate you. :)

Style- The style was good too. You had a nice little plot going on here. Good job!

Sound- The music fitted the movie very nicely. Good job on selecting the music. And thanks for not adding 'speakonia", which would have ruined the whole feeling/mood of the movie. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate movies which use this function, it's just that it has been used to death and well you made a very well decision in not including this feature to your submission.

Violence- I don't think there was none

Interactivity- None

Humor- Well, there wasn't any humor in this submission, it just brought me a smile at the end when the red guy was tackled by the other clock....(Sorry, I don't know their names...)

Overall- Very nice job on this. Keep up the awesome work and you'll be known around here very well. Good luck on your future submissions. :)

ClockLock responds:

You're too kind. <3 I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Great FBF animation

Frame by frame animation is truly difficult to do, but with the right practice, people can get great at it as you have. The only problem with this was that, well, first of all, it was TOO short and I understand it's a test. This happens to me also. You are animating something, then you think it looks great and then you say "Hey! I want to see what other people think!" But the thing is, if you actually wait until you have an avereagly long flash that you think is acceptable to be in the portal, that would be much better. Don't get me wrong, this was great and it shows you have skills, but in my opinion, if you would put a collection of these type of projects together, you would be better off as a great animator.

Graphics-The graphics were ok, or should I say the alien type guy, was drawn well. As well other figures you drew.

Style- Well, in this flash, there really wasn't something to portray you flash skills EXCEPT for your talent with FBF. Great FBF skills.

Sound- The music fitted the submission nicely but it would have been much better if you would have included sounds such as when the piece of the character fell to the ground, you could have added a "squishy" sound of some sort.

Violence- None

Interactivity- None


Overall- You definetly have skills to do many great flashes in the future. Use them to make many other flashes of the same quality but just a tad longer and a little storyline/plot wouldn't hurt either. Nice job, and good luck with your future submissions.

Neked responds:

Wow, great review thanks alot for the feedback. You sir have inspired me to make something more. Thank you

Nice Job

Ok, let me describe in detail.

Graphics- The graphics got a low score because technically, they aren't yours. So, I guess every sprite movie I review will get a low score on that category.

Style- The style, well, it wasn't too original. Being it a sprite animation, it's pretty hard to vote on style also. But I can see that you thought about the script and evaluated what the characters were going to say so I guess style isn't TOO bad.

Sound- You needed WAY more sounds for this submission. There hardly were any, except at the end. Next time, try adding nature sounds such as birds chirping in the background and such.

Violence- There really wasn't violence either, except at the end, of course. You know that people here like violence, so I wouldv'e thought that implementing more violence, should I said, what have been better. But nonetheless, I guess it's good as it is.

Interactivity- There wasn't any.

Humor- Well, some of the jokes were kind of amusing. Good job on thinking those up.

Overall- You did an ok job on this. If you were to spend more time on your work, such as add more sound effects, probably include a little bit more violence, make it a bit tad longer and spend more time coming up with ideas, you would have a great sprite animation. One thing though, the last scene was kind of wierd, Luigi looked like he was doing something else, instead of punching mario. It would be a good idea if you were to make another sprite movie, not to include that type of fighting. Overall, nice job on this and good luck on your future submissions.

Skutieos109 responds:

Thanks. I know luigi looked like crap when he punched mario.

Great story!

Graphics-Well, the score on the graphics is kinda low because there really weren't any graphics to judge. But that doesn't affect in anyway the overall score.

Style-The style on this was pretty good. You told the story in a very nicely way. But unfortunately, there were some spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes. Which doesn't really matter because you can still understand. My only point here is that if you decide on making another animated book, it would be a good idea to check your spelling and grammar so that your book may look that it was done in a more professional way. :)

Sound-The music, which I recognized was from FFX-2, suited the plot and the symbolism of the book. Very well done on the selection of music. I also liked how you included those mini-sounds where you would point your cursor at. Such as the beeping sound and the ambulance. That was a very significant detail you included there. Nice job!

Violence- There really wasn't any, I suppose.

Interactvity- The interactivity on this was awesome. It's what makes this submission great. Pointing your cursor over words couldn't be this great. Which I think must have cost a lot of work with actionscript but nonetheless, adding this detail truly made the book seem more realistic.

Humor- Well, uhh, I don't think there wasn't any humor in this.

Overall-Nice job. My suggestions: If you decide to make another animated book, it would be great if you included the following. You could boost your interactivity score more than it was by allowing the viewer to select the events. Such as having the viewer choose the character's fate. It would be also great if you could make some type of background, such as a desk with a cup holding pens whatso ever. And last but not least, it would be great if you could include pictures as well, which could probably boost your graphic's score a bit. All in all, very nice job on this. Good luck on your future submissions.


Yeah I know, I didn't really proof read it until the end so I couldn't really fix it or the layout of text on each page would of had to change which would have just been long, but next time I'll be sure to type my story out in word and prrof read it first

I actually had in mind the suggestions you made for if I did make another animated book, particular the idea of the user choosing the fate of the character because I already had a story in mind which had 2 endings. I'll have to see how it goes but thanks for the review and advice


Graphics- The graphics fit the style you have in here. If you were to change the graphics, such as make the characters' more detailed and such, they wouldn't fit into the background. If you were to change the background, it wouldn't fit the characters. Such as making the background more colorful. And all this portrays style, which is the next category.

Style- The style is great. It's very creative and makes you feel you're watching an old cartoon they used to have way back then in the oldies. Every little detail, such as the starting music when you are supposed to click play, to the very last scene of it, where it says "The End" Those details, and of course the unique characters, makes this movie have and your other episodes have an awesome style.

Sound- The sound is ok nevertheless. There were some problems though. When Dave threw the grenade and it exploded and started yelling (Which was hilarious by the way) The yelling caused the speakers to "crack" so to speak. But! That really doesn't matter. Now, to the next category...

Violence- Well, the only violence there was was when Dave threw the grenade and of course, when Junior got hit on the head by a bone.

Interactivity- There wasn't none.

Humor- Well, humor, what can I say? To the dog dying randomly, to the funny R.I.P signs there were in the grave, (Well, fluffy, we kinda loved you) To the Dave throwing the grenade and screaming endlessly for two hours, To the Junior saying all these words that didn't correspond to the dog dying at the grave and to Dave saying "I don't think they heard us" Which obviously is ironic because who wouldn't hear that loud explosion. All this is considered to be "humor"

Overall- Very nice job on this. All I can say is keep up the good work!

clevelandsteamer1 responds:

Thank you for the in depth review, I always appreciate compliments! The sound is sort of the achilles heal of the whole series, and I'm trying to fix that with each episode. Thanks again!


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